Traveling on Dialysis

Dialysis doesn’t have to prevent you from traveling. Here you can learn more about the arrangements you’ll need to make in order to treat safely while you’re away from home.    

Viaggiare quando sei in dialisi

For many chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, remaining mobile and able to travel is an important part of maintaining independence. You may need to travel for work or family commitments or want to travel simply because you enjoy it - and while traveling on dialysis may require special arrangements, you still have the opportunity to fulfil your travel wishes.

Viaggiare quando si è in dialisi

Is It Possible to Travel While I’m on Dialysis?

Yes, it is possible for most dialysis patients to travel and to continue their treatment while being away from home. Your clinician may even encourage you to travel, if you are able, because of the emotional boost it can give you. It is important that you talk to your clinician before you make any specific travel plans so that they can advise you about how to travel safely and help you make arrangements for staying on your treatment schedule while you’re away.

Viaggiare quando si è in lista d’attesa per un trapianto

Is it Possible to Travel While I’m on a Transplant Waitlist?

Yes, it is also possible to travel while you’re active on a transplant waitlist. However, you do need to inform your transplant coordinator about your travel plans. They will be able to advise you about whether you’ll be able to return home from your trip quickly enough to accept a kidney, if one becomes available while you’re away. If you won’t, you can also choose to be “on hold” during the time that you’re traveling. It is important to get accurate information about how this process works for the specific waitlist that you are on, so be proactive about seeking the answers to these questions before you make any plans to leave home.

Viaggi - Viaggiare quando si è in dialisi peritoneale

Traveling While on Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)

Because peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients can frequently have their supplies delivered to their travel destination, they often only need to bring their cycler (if they’re on Automated Peritoneal Dialysis). This means that it is typically easier to travel on PD than other types of dialysis. However, if you are on peritoneal dialysis (PD), you still need to make a plan ahead of time for how you will pack and transport everything you need for treatment, or plan for delivery of treatment products.

Viaggiare quando ci si sottopone a emodialisi a domicilio (HD a domicilio)

Traveling While on Home Haemodialysis (Home HD)

Most home haemodialysis (Home HD) patients will need to arrange in advance to get in-centre treatment at a centre close to their travel destination. Your hospital should have a travel coordinator that can help you make these plans, so speak to your healthcare team about getting the support you need. Also make sure you carry any medical information you’ll need to receive treatment on your trip.

Viaggiare quando ci si sottopone a emodialisi in centro ospedaliero (HD in centro ospedaliero)

Traveling While on In-Centre Haemodialysis (In-Centre HD)

If you’re receiving in-centre haemodialysis (In-Centre HD) treatments, you need to arrange in advance to be treated at a centre close to your destination. Most centres are experienced in coordinating treatments for traveling patients, so be sure to ask your healthcare team whether there is someone at your centre who can help you.

Convivere con la malattia renale cronica (CKD)

Are You a Caregiver or Does Someone You Love Need to Go on Dialysis?

Being a caregiver or a loved one to a dialysis patient means that your life will change in one way or another. Knowing what to expect will help prepare you for the journey ahead. Read more about what to expect, how you can support your loved one, and why it is important to care for yourself.

Learn more

Where to go next?

Esercizio fisico quando si è in dialisi

Exercise and Dialysis

Staying physically healthy can help you get the most out of your treatment. Learn about ways you can be active while on dialysis.

Seguire una dieta per i reni

Adopting a Kidney-friendly Diet

A kidney-friendly diet can go a long way in helping you feel and do your best throughout your treatment journey. Learn more about your diet and dialysis.

Intimità e dialisi


It is possible for you to maintain intimate relationships while you’re on dialysis. Learn more about intimacy and dialysis.